Sunday 24 February 2013

Out today and found the same family group that i have been watching over the last few days all four of them feeding then suddenly a fifth otter appeared and fed with the rest of them for about ten minuets then swam away .I'm no sure if the other one was a male or a cub from last season but the mother did not mind it being there and made no attempt to chase it away .

Friday 22 February 2013

Out for a walk today and found an old friend this otter with the scar on her nose has been around for a few years now she had three young with her the last time i saw her with young was two years ago she had three cubs then  .I watched them for about an hour feeding and a various things from crabs to small fish the cubs all seemed able to catch fish and eat them in the water only coming on to the rocks with the bigger fish .I hope to see more of them over the next few months before they leave the mother .